Funosaurus: 5 dinosaur activities for kids

Funosaurus: 5 dinosaur activities for kids

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Is your child obsessed with all things dinosaur? If so, why not indulge their passion for the prehistoric and encourage their creativity with a range of fun dinosaur-themed activities? They will be transported back in time, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and when cavemen spoke in grunts. They will discover new species and walk in the shoes (quite literally) of dinosaurs themselves. They will eat, snuggle, colour and most importantly, be entertained for hours with these dinosaur activities.

Get your funosaurus on with these 5 fun dinosaur activities:

Funosaurus idea #1: Mini dinosaur fossil dig

Bring out your child's inner palaeontologist with their very own ancient dinosaur site. Just grab some clay, buy a few small plastic dinosaurs (from the local bargain store) and create your own mini dinosaur fossil dig. Then give the kids a pastry brush and get them digging out their very own fossils.

How to creat a mini dinosaur fossil dig


Funosaurus idea #2: Dinosaur feet

This easy craft will transform your child into their favourite dinosaur in no time. These dino-shoes can be made from two leftover tissue boxes, and your child can paint them in whatever colour they like. You can even make scary dino-claws out of clean sponges! Then the kids can slip on their amazing new dino-shoes and get stuck into some serious dinosaur stomping. Click the link below for instructions from blogger A bird and a bean.

How to make awesome, stomping dinosaur feet


Funosaurus idea #3: Dinosaur cake

How gorgeous is this? To create a stegosaurus birthday cake for your child's next prehistoric party just grab two packet cakes with pre-made icing (how easy is that?) and some brown M&M's for some scary dino scales. Once the cake has been baked, use our simple template to cut out your dinosaur shape and put it together on a cake board. Then simply ice, decorate and serve. Dinolicious!

How to make a delicious dinosaur cake


Funosaurus idea #4: Dinosaur soft toy

For baby's first dinosaur make this gorgeous cuddly little stegosaurus. Just print out the simple pattern and grab whatever fabric you have lying around. Then trace the basic template on to the fabric, sew on some ribbons to form the back plates and pop in some stuffing. Then sew it all together to make your snuggly dinosaur. But be warned, this little character may be too cute to give away. Click the link below to see how blogger Bubbles and bobbins made this adorable stuffie, and how you can too!

How to make a dinosaur soft toy


Funosaurus idea #5: Dinosaur colouring in pages

For the easiest dinosaur activity ever, print out these cute dino-themed colouring pages. Your child can choose their favourite dinosaur to decorate, whether it be a fierce-looking T-Rex or a friendly brontosaurus. To make this a highly educational experience you could even print out all 12 dinosaurs colouring in pages and staple them together to make your very own prehistoric encyclopaedia.

Free downloadable dinosaur colouring in pages

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