Word find: 9 or more letter words – medium

Word find: 9 or more letter words – medium

This free printable word find for 11-12 year olds is for kids with a very good spelling ability looking for a challenge. Sure, learning words can sometimes be difficult but pop them in a fun word find and you'll have their brains ticking away in no time at all. 

What you need:

  • computer with internet access
  • printer
  • paper
  • colouring pencils or markers

Number of players:


This word find has been designed for kids who are fluent spellers. There are words are hidden backwards and forwards as well as up and down. The words are challenging and the puzzle is just a little harder than the easy word find with 9 or more letter words.

Just for a little more fun, we have added a beaut barbie colouring page!

Print this word find.

Learn more about spelling milestones for 11-12 year olds with Mums' School Zone.

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