Early symptom: increased saliva

Producing more saliva than expected, which may seem unappetising, can happen at around 6 weeks gestation. Here are other signs and physical changes in early pregnancy:

Excessive salivation in early pregnancy

Many women notice they produce more saliva. Some women find excessive salivation during pregnancy makes morning sickness and nausea more unpleasant.

The medical term for excess saliva is ‘ptyalism’ (pronounced ‘tie-al-ism’). Ptyalism can happen on its own but it is usually associated with nausea and vomiting (morning sickness) during early pregnancy.

Some remedies for morning sickness may help with the ‘drooling’, like eating dry, plain cracker biscuits and having small regular meals.

Ptyalism will usually subside when the nausea improves (usually by 12 to 14 weeks of the pregnancy). A homoeopath may prescribe ‘mercurius solubilis’ or ‘veratrum album’ to help with it.

Most women experience excessive salivation as a result of changing hormone levels. Excessive saliva may happen sporadically during periods of rapid hormonal fluctuation like during the first and third trimesters.

What you can do about excessive salivation

Some women find excessive salivation contributes to pregnancy heartburn, which can be relieved by over the counter antacids, or by drinking milk.

Others find brushing their teeth multiple times each day helps relieve their salivation symptoms, or at the very least makes the problem seem less annoying. Drinking more water can improve rather than worsen the condition,as the body may produce more saliva in response to dehydration. You could also try chewing gum or sucking breath mints to take your mind off the problem.

Excessive saliva production during pregnancy won’t realistically harm you or your baby, no matter how annoying it may be!

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